(L-R) Dr. Obuku (Chairperson Medical Association - Uganda), Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo (DCJ) and Hon. Justice Wabwire(Judge of the High Court)
The Deputy Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo, on Wednesday (November 6,2019) launched "Medicine, the Law and You" a book authored by Dr. Sylvester Onzivua at Hotel African, Kampala.
The book is based on a collection of articles that Dr Onzivua has published weekly in Saturday Monitor for the last five years.
It has great insights that he shares about forensic medicine and legal paradoxes that doctors, patients and lawyers deal with every day when things go wrong and answers must be found and blame apportioned.
Dr Onzivua said the medical practitioners and facilities have on a number of occasions been confronted with claims from aggrieved clients and had to pay heavy fines.
"And things have since changed, then, the government would intervene but today, it is the budget of the hospital that suffers," he said.
Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo, who was the chief guest, said medicine and law may both serve good purposes but tend to differ in the languages used and thus, having a common ground of understanding each.
The DCJ commended Dr Onzivua for writing the book and never giving up on educating the nation.
He also advised young doctors to take keen interest in forensics and the law.
One of the highlights of the launch was when the DCJ autographed one of the books.
Commercial Court Judge, Hon. Justice Richard Wabwire, presented the keynote speech on behalf of Court of Appeal's Justice, Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire.
Hon.Justice Kiryabwire said with people paying money even in government-aided health centers, the chances of law suits especially, after a questionable service, are high.
"Previously,when public hospitals provided nearly a free service, the incentive for patients to follow up a poor service especially through litigation was limited," he said.
He noted that doctors are now challenged more than ever to understand to what extent they owe the duty of care they owe their patients.
The launch was witnessed by Hon. Justice Augustus Kania (Rtd) and Hon. Justice Richard Wabwire as well as a multitude of doctors.
Posted 7th, November 2019